Interview with Alessandro Zucchini on DJI Matrice 350 and D-Box, Capsule Distribution Kit by Aermatica3D

Zucchini M350 D-box
Jul 05 2024

Interview with Alessandro Zucchini on DJI Matrice 350 and D-Box, Capsule Distribution Kit by Aermatica3D

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alessandro Zucchini, a young and passionate drone enthusiast from Ferrara that just purchased our D-Box system for capsule distribution with drones. Despite his age, Alessandro has already made significant strides in the world of drones and technology. He shared with us his journey from high school competitions,  to working with renowned production companies like RAI and Sky.

Aermatica3D: Good morning Alessandro, thanks for being here with us. Please, first tell us a little about yourself.
Alessandro Zucchini: Good morning, my name is Alessandro Zucchini, I’m 24 years old and I come from Ferrara. I am relatively young, but I have been passionate about the world of drones since high school. Even then I was interested in technology and 3D printing. I have participated in several competitions, such as the Robotics Olympics in Milan, where I created a 3D printed therapeutic hand exoskeleton. After school, I started working to pay for drone flying courses. Later, I opened the VAT number and now I mainly deal with video productions with drones, collaborating with various production companies, including RAI and Sky.
Aermatica3D: You recently purchased a DJI Matrice 350 drone equipped with the Aermatica3D D-Box capsule distribution kit. How did you discover this technology?
Alessandro Zucchini: I discovered the DJI Matrice 350 with the Aermatica3D kit thanks to another customer, Luca Raimondi. I saw his equipment and noticed that it was produced by Aermatica3D. I learned about their products via social media and the company website. I found their products reliable and well made compared to others on the market, so I decided to rely on them.

DJI M350 and Kit for Capsule Distribution D-box

DJI M350 and Kit for Capsule Distribution D-box

Aermatica3D: How do you think this technology will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of work in organic farming?
Alessandro Zucchini: I haven’t started using it yet, so I can’t speak from personal experience. However, I am convinced that the drone will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in organic farming. The eggs of insects useful for biological control, such as the trichogramma brassicae against the corn borer and other pests, can be distributed in very large quantities using small, lightweight capsules. A lightweight drone equipped with the Aermatica3D D-Box can automatically distribute the capsules ensuring coverage of a field using the integrated BLY3D software. Distributing the capsules with the drone makes the intervention more sensible than the use of chemical products, allowing a biological approach. This can also be interesting for farmers in terms of costs and speed of intervention. I already have some interested customers and we will see how it goes this year.
Aermatica3D: What are your expectations for the use of the drone in your agricultural business?
Alessandro Zucchini: My expectations are high. I believe the drone can revolutionize the way we manage organic crops. I hope to see greater effectiveness in the distribution of capsules and a reduction in costs and intervention times. I also expect an improvement in plant health and crop quality.
Aermatica3D: Would you recommend this technology to other farmers? If yes, why?
Alessandro Zucchini: Yes, I would definitely recommend it. I think that drones represent the future of agriculture, especially organic agriculture. They offer a more efficient and sustainable way of managing crops. With the D-Box, Aermatica3D capsule distribution kit, farmers can adopt more natural and environmentally friendly methods, reducing the use of chemical products. The D-Box allows us to avoid the use of large tractors to spread chemical substances on crops, eliminating both safety problems for operators and the impact on crops and the environment.
Aermatica3D: Thank you very much, Alessandro, for your time and for sharing your experience with us. We wish you the best in your business.
Alessandro Zucchini: Thanks to you, it was a pleasure.

DJI M350 con Kit distribuzione capsule D-Box

DJI M350 con Kit distribuzione capsule D-Box

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